The partnership will prevent radicalization in schools by contributing to pupils’, teachers’, and parents’ feeling of being “Stronger Together”.

The project will develop a curriculum composed of five modules and a digital board game.

Each module will facilitate a dialogue on the themes: morality, self-control, inclusion & diversity, and critical thinking. These are four important competences to build on in the fifth module: prevention of radicalization.

Primarily: Pupils in the age of 10-12 years old
Secondarily: Teachers who train pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th grade
Thirdly: Parents of the children.

The primary target group of the project are pupils, who are 10-12 years old, since studies show that it is at this age where prevention will still have an effect (P.-O. Wikström, 2012). It is important to meet the pupils on a platform they are familiar with, and the online board game will serve as a tool for educators to facilitate a dialogue with the pupils. The parents will also be included in the game’s activities through online tasks.

The Stronger Together curriculum will consist of five modules and a digital board game.

The themes of the modules are:
Morality, Self-Control, Inclusion & Diversity, Critical Thinking, and Prevention of Radicalization.

The curriculum combines traditional learning (group discussions) with the digital board game, which is the central method of the curriculum.

In teams, the pupils will play together and through activities in the game, they will reflect upon dilemmas and train their competences in the four mention themes in order to prevent radicalization. The parents will be actively engaged in the game, hereby extend the discussions outside the classroom.

The partnership will develop a Stronger Together Handbook for teachers on how to use the Stronger Together curriculum in class.


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+45 7681 3880
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