Stronger Together - Curriculum​

The Stronger Together curriculum is composed of five educational modules, designed
for teachers who teach pupils between 10 and 12 year old. The curriculum engages a
dialogue on essential themes with the aim to develop competences that can ultimately
help to prevent radicalization.
The modules combine theory with practice. They comprise guidance and activities
related to the themes: Morality, Self-control, Inclusion and diversity, Critical thinking,
Conflict prevention and resolution. The teacher can adapt his / her teaching and pick
activities according to the age of the pupils.
Teachers from six countries are currently testing the learning material in real
conditions in the classroom. After the feedback from the teachers, the consolidated
version of the curriculum will be made widely available. Thus, notice that the available
versions are BETA-versions. The curriculum is available in seven languages: English,
French, Macedonian, German, Swedish, Italian and Danish.
You are very welcome to test the curriculum in your educational setting, enjoy!

Download the curriculum for your country

Click the buttons below to open the pdf file, relevant to your language. 


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